The Rural Maternity Services Working Group is currently on hiatus as work progresses at a national level of the review of the National Rural Maternity Consensus Framework led by the National Rural Health Commissioner along with RDAA and other stakeholder groups.   This group will reconvene to consider how Victoria will respond to the Framework up its release.


Completed Work:

Access to Termination of Pregnancy position paper (7 July 2022)


The Mental Health Services Working Group supports RDAV members to develop their skills and participate in case base discussions.  They oversee the delivery of our online case review forums and ensure mental health care is a key element of the Victorian Rural Health Conference.  

The lack of a state wide certified agreement for rural doctors in Victoria remains a key priority for the members of RDAV.  RDAV's GP VMO Guideline is aimed to assist individual GP/RG Visiting Medical Officers in their contract negotiations with their local Health Service District.    The GP VMO Working Group will review the Guideline periodically.

Download the GP VMO Guideline